Please complete this form if you have bought a ticket for the concert on the 10 July 2021. We require this information to comply with the venue’s COVID-19 guidelines, the data will be kept secure and will be destroyed after 28 days. You may be contacted by the NHS if any other attendees report that they have tested positive for COVID-19.
Please note that admission is by ticket only. Each attendee MUST bring a printed ticket with them and is required to sanitise their hands on arrival and wear a face mask whilst in the building. Mixing with others outside your household is not permitted within the buiding or whilst on the church grounds. The toilets are accessible, these are located in the church hall which is accessed by a door to the left of the orchestra.
Please sit where indicated. You may sit with one other person from your household where indicated (two centre blocks and the right-hand side aisle). Groups of up to five people per household may sit together in the seating in the left-hand side aisle). Please do not sit anywhere else.
There will be a short interval but no refreshments will be available, you may wish to bring a bottle of water with you.